The Countdown Begins

I've never run a marathon. The closest I've come to the experience was years ago when I was forced to run a 5K by my girlfriend at the time. She was a runner, and I wanted to be supportive. Suffice it to say things didn't work out between us. I don't want to say it was all because of the 5K, but it was a contributing factor.

Anyway, I digress.

The reason I bring up marathon running is because I distinctly remember the way I felt when I glimpsed the finish line during my one (and only) 5K. There I was, out of shape, panting, hating my girlfriend-at-the-time (soon to be ex), and looking at the finish line with the envy of a jealous lover's eyes. It was all I wanted. I couldn't focus on anything else. I wanted to finish the race so badly.

I've had a few uncles who have done the Iron Man. In talking with them I got an appreciation for just how much work goes into preparing for such a race. The years of discipline, training, focus, all of it culminates in one singular moment when each runner steps across that finish line to the roars and cheers from their family and friends. It's a significant event, usually met with tears, laughter and hugs. So much work has gone into this person's achievement. They deserve to be celebrated, and to be recognized for the incredible journey they've taken themselves through.

Glimpsing the Finish Line

Artists don't often get that moment on the finish line, where there is thunderous applause and shouts of victory. We create our work, we throw it out into the world, and often times it is met by silence. It's a funny thing, to spend all that time creating something and not feel the joy of that finish-line crossing moment. Artistry is often done in solitude, in quiet. It's created in the mind, and slowly brought out into creation through many hours of work. Whenever a piece of art is released, it's often released to no cheers, no applause, no medal, and no podium.

Of course this isn't quite true in all cases. Many photographers host gallery shows where they exhibit their work. Many jewelers display their creations at trade shows and exhibits. Many musicians play album release shows, and go on tour to celebrate an album with their fans. And of course, let’s not forget about award ceremonies like the Grammy’s. It is in these interactions where the artist's work can be celebrated and recognized. The artist can find fulfillment in these moments. It is where they feel seen, heard and recognized by the world.

But for many artists out there, they mostly release their art to the deafening sound of silence.

Despite this, they continue to do it. Over and over, year after year, decade after decade. Why? Who would do such a thing? Who would dedicate themselves to the pursuit of something that may never be recognized by the world? Who would spend years training for a race that only they alone will run?

Quite simply, it is the people who don't do it for the recognition, or the glory. It is the people who do it simply because they love it. They can't imagine doing anything else with their time. If you gave a true artist enough money for the rest of their lifetime, they would continue going on making their art as if nothing had changed because it's not about the money. It's about the love of creating, the joy of immersing oneself in something you love doing.

Many IronMan winners will tell you that they don't do it for the cheers and applause at the end of the race. Sure, it's nice. But that's not why they do it. They don't get up at 4am to train every day for 18 months so that they can enjoy a few minutes of cheering. They do it for the personal challenge. To prove to themselves that they can do it. To evolve into someone better than they were before. It's about metamorphosis. It's about growth.

In much the same way, an album represents a similar journey of transformation for an artist.

The Artist's Marathon

Four years ago in November of 2018 I met up with Dvani to begin recording some songs. I had about 6 or 7 songs written and I wanted to record them onto an EP or small album to release. My original intention was to release these songs fairly quickly after the recording session.

Now, four years later in April of 2022 and I am finally getting around to releasing them. I sit typing this blog post in preparation to release 15 songs on my third studio album Dreamland. Those original 6 or 7 that we began recording evolved into a full-length 15-track reflection on what it means to go after your dreams.

To say Dreamland has been a marathon would be an understatement. I moved to a new city (Austin), began a new life, started a new job and career path, and completely altered the trajectory of my life. This sudden thrust in a new direction was jarring and led to lots of songs being written as I tried to process the myriad of changes. Austin brought new adventures, new romances, new experiences, new friendships, new triumphs, and new failures. As I learned more about myself and what I wanted from my life I began writing these songs. Bit by bit they tumbled out of me.

Running the Race

Since then, Dreamland has been a long marathon of recording sessions to see the project through to completion. All of this being done while balancing a full-time work schedule and other life obligations. Just as runners train in the fringes of their calendar, so Dreamland was created during similar hours. Many of our recording sessions were done on the weekends or after work, often going late into the night. We worked on this project whenever we could find the time. We had to balance multiple schedules between busy people to stay focused on finishing the album.

We’ve also had a ton of fun! All of it cost money, time, effort and tremendous energy. But, as mentioned earlier, there's nothing else I'd rather be doing with my time. At the end of it all, this isn't for the cheers or applause. It isn't for the money. It's simply for the love of music, the wonder of creating, and the joy of sharing.

End in Sight

Last night I submitted Dreamland to be released to all digital platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, etc) world wide. The release date will be April 29th, 2022. The end is finally in sight.

After four years of writing, recording and agonizing over every little detail to make sure it's as good as possible, the project is finally over. We are rounding the final turn in the race, and we can see that beautiful checkered line a short way in front of us. It's been one heck of a journey. There have been so many laughs, and tears throughout the creation of this album. I look back on all of the pictures and video footage and I smile at so many of the wonderful memories. This album has been my marathon. It's been my metamorphosis and transformation into a better artist, and hopefully a better human being.

*raising the proverbial glass in a toast*

So, here's to our dreams. May we never let them die. May we always pursue them, whatever they may be, with unwavering focus and determination.

And here's to Dreamland, my little project in a corner of the world that will hopefully inspire at least one person to pick back up where they left off on their own dreams.

Thanks for sticking with me on this one. Your patience has finally paid off. Dreamland will be released April 29th, 2022. The countdown has officially begun.


The Guitars of Dreamland


Going Slowly